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Rusks "Posolskie with vanilla flavor " large size weighing :: Торговый Дом Посольство вкусной еды

Rusks "Posolskie with vanilla flavor " large size weighing

Rusks "Posolskie with vanilla flavor " large size weighing

GOST R 54645-2011

wheat flour, water, sugar, margarine, pressed bakery yeast, salt, egg powder, vanilla

The product may contain traces of peanuts, sesame, eggs.

Nutritional value:

proteins - 9,5 g.;

fats - 11 g.;

Carbohydrates - 74 g.

calorie / energy value - 430 kcal/1800 kJ .

Usable: 90 days

Сondition of storage:

temperature is not more than 25 º C, relative humidity 65-75%

The date of manufacture and packaging is shown on the box.

Bar code on pack: 4607041232917 - for 3 kg